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SOGC Delphi


Delphi Magazine is the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada’s monthly digital magazine featuring stories, perspectives and profiles of and for SOGC members.

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What’s in a name?
The history of Delphi

Delphi is best known as the ancient sanctuary dedicated to Apollo and home to the oracle of Delphi and priestess Pythia. Since ancient times, Delphi was a place famed for divining the future and a place of worship for Gaia, the mother goddess connected with fertility. The small Greek town and religious sanctuary perched on a difficult to reach mountainside, was for 1,000 years the proclaimed ‘omphalos’, the ‘bellybutton’, the very centre of the ancient world.

The Delphi method, created in modern times, is a structured technique developed as a systematic, interactive consensus-building methodology, which brings together the expertise of a panel of experts. Health care professionals and academics use the Delphi method to arrive a consensus on medical topics, and guide best practice.

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Delphi Monthly

4 Jun, 2024

Message from the President – June 2024

Wow, what a year it has been! As I reflect on this past year, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for what we have accomplished together. It has… More

Delphi Monthly

4 Jun, 2024

On the Road to Edmonton! – June 2024

As our academic year draws to a close, we are preparing for our last Board of Directors Meeting of the year on June 10th, our Annual SOGC Report for the… More

Delphi Monthly

3 May, 2024

The May Sprint – May 2024

Are you familiar with our Continuing Professional Education products? GESTA; Advanced Obstetrics; Sphincter Repair; Forceps and Vacuum; Online Courses; CCSA; Regional Training, Forums, Summits, Webinars – it can sometimes be… More

Delphi Monthly

8 Mar, 2024

On the CEO’s side – March 2024

I love the month of March, I love spring fever!  The SOGC has been on fire for the past few weeks. With the team, we have resumed a frenetic pace… More


8 Mar, 2024

Message from the President March 2024

Throughout the month of March, we have several exciting highlights that we want to celebrate!  A Milestone Celebration – National Pharmacare and Universal Contraception: The announcement of inclusion of contraception… More


1 Feb, 2024

Du côté de la direction générale – Édition spéciale

Chers et chères collègues, À peine les vœux de bonne année terminés, notre super équipe de direction est désormais complète avec l’arrivée d’une nouvelle directrice des affaires publiques et des… More

Call for content

SOGC members are the witnesses and creators to the story of women’s health in Canada. Delphi magazine is our way to share these stories. If you would like to contribute to Delphi, please reach out to