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Message from the President – October 2024

30 Sep, 2024

Dear Members, 

On Sept. 18, 2024, I had the honour and privilege of attending the Canadian Medical Association’s apology for harms to Indigenous Peoples in Victoria, British Columbia. The CMA apologized for its role, and the role of the medical profession, in past and ongoing harms to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in the health system. The CMA acknowledged that the apology is an important first step in its reconciliation journey, but it is not the end point. The CMA committed to walking alongside Indigenous Peoples on the journey toward reconciliation and healing. 

Upon reflection and recognizing the impact of the CMA apology, I understand that the SOGC as an organization, along with its members, needs to confront our past and the role that we have played in the harms to Indigenous Peoples. To address these past harms, and – as importantly – the continuing and ongoing harms, we need to listen to, and learn from, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. We need to recognize that what we need to do will require ongoing, meaningful effort, time and humility – but most importantly, really listening to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. 

The SOGC’s current strategic plan ends in 2025 and we will develop our new strategic plan in November that will guide us over the next three years. This will provide us with the opportunity to develop a pillar and strategy to begin to address the work we need to do to with First Nations, Inuit and Métis as partners in this journey.    

Forging a new strategic plan is also an opportunity to revisit our mission and vision, what we do well and what do we need to differently. As I stated at the beginning of my presidency, one of my two areas of focus for my presidential year is our members. The SOGC needs to be a relevant organization to all our members, both generalist and sub-specialist. Forging a new strategic plan provides the opportunity to ensure we are meeting member’s needs. As well, by meeting the needs of members, we will bring new members and those who have left back into our organization. With this in mind, members will be receiving a survey to provide input into the strategic plan, and I ask that you take the time to complete it to add your voice and insight. 

As always, I look forward to feedback, thoughts and suggestions and can be reached at

Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck  
SOGC President