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Delphi Monthly

Summer 2021

Dr. Maggie Morris SOGC
President 2021-2022

Dear members and colleagues,

Last month at ACSC I sworn in as the new SOGC President. During my tenure as President, my objective is to begin a pan-Canadian dialogue on collaborative care. I believe that the future of health care is high-quality inter-professional practice. These goals can pull us apart, but I believe that they can be held simultaneously. I am hoping to start a dialogue across the country looking at what is working well in a collaborative care model and what the challenges are. I know this will vary across the country, with different challenges and successes probably a lot of similarities. Whether you are an obstetrician, gynaecologist, nurse or mid-wife by working in tandem with one another we can both improve and strengthen women’s health.  

I would like to thank my predecessor Dr. Elio Dario Garcia for his contributions in his role as President. I have been impressed and inspired by his attention to detail, decisiveness and his respectful maternity care and informed consent initiatives. 

And lastly, I want to thank everyone for making ACSC a resounding success. Your contributions and participation are greatly appreciated. Please note that the recordings will be accessible until September 6 from anywhere in the world. You can watch at your convenience throughout the summer and earn a total of 46 MOC credits.

Best wishes,
Dr. Maggie Morris

It’s not over yet! You have until August 15th to register for ACSC and earn up to 46 MOC credits. 

Take this opportunity to enjoy the large library of accredited on-demand content from the conference which will be available until September 6th

Congratulations to the winners of the ACSC Abstract Program!

Wilson Chan – Opioid use and prescribing practices for women undergoing elective gynecologic surgery 

Raelene Foisy – Similar contraceptive outcomes with free and conventionally acquired IUD/S at therapeutic abortion: a retrospective cohort study

Laura Schummers – Abortion utilization and safety when mifepristone is available without regulations restricting practice? A population-based study using linked health administrative data from Ontario

Kiran Ninan – Long-term neurodevelopmental and psychological outcomes after prenatal exposure to antenatal corticosteroids: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Ryan Chow – Spin in Randomized Controlled Trials in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Systematic Review

Ariane Lasry – Ever-use of the intra-uterine device and the risk of ovarian cancer

Isabella Fan – Effects of a Trial of Labour After Cesarean (TOLAC) Bundle on Decreasing Cesarean Delivery Rates: Efficacy and Safety at Fifteen Months Post-Intervention

Ana Maria Iancu – Examining prescribing practices with respect to oral iron supplementation for post-partum anemia: a retrospective review

Anna Kobylianskii – Bowel Complications in Laparoscopic Gynecologic Surgery

Upcoming Events


Have you tried our new SOGC member portal? You can now automatically enter the new SOGC Member Portal when you sign in to your member account on

From here, you have access to all of your favourite SOGC member benefits, including: 

πŸ“š Quick access to the JOGC and SOGC Guidelines

πŸ’» Quick access to the online course platform, Top Class

πŸ—“οΈ Upcoming SOGC events and programs 

We want your feedback! Take this 5-minute Member Portal survey

If you have any questions, please reach out to



Guideline 416 – Labour, Delivery, and Postpartum Care for People with Physical Disabilities
by Anne Berndl, MD, Noor Ladhani, MD, R. Douglas Wilson, MD, Melanie Basso, RN, MSN, Elizabeth Jung, RN, MScN, Lesley A. Tarasoff, PhD, Pamela Angle, MD and Nancy Soliman, MD


Guideline No. 420: Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy
by Isabell Boucoiran, MD, Mark Yudin, MD, Vanessa Poliquin, MD, Sheila Caddy, MD, Soren Gantt, MD, Eliana Castillo, MD

Our guideline resource kits have moved to the SOGC portal!

Make sure to check out the latest offerings for June and July:

πŸ“š Labour, Delivery, and Postpartum Care for People with Physical Disabilities Guideline Resource Kit

πŸ“š Cytomegalovirus Infection in Pregnancy Guideline Resource Kit 

The Self-Care Learning and Discover Series

The Self-Care Learning and Discovery Series is a highly interactive, virtual forum where participants will exchange and incubate ideas, experiences, and solutions on a variety of self-care topics. Hosted by White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) on behalf of the Self-Care Trailblazer Group (SCTG), the Self-Care Learning and Discovery Series will present new knowledge, elevate self-care solutions, forge connections across issues and geographies, and much more! 

The Self-Care Learning and Discovery Series includes 16 virtual sessions, organized by diverse partners from around the world that explore a different self-care topic.

The series is open to all interested self-care stakeholders, including advocates, health providers, government representatives, implementers, journalists, community leaders, academia, product developers, feminists, youth champions, and more. There is no fee to participate. Offered in English, French and Spanish.