December Message from the SOGC President

The end of the year is always a time for reflection and as 2023 comes to a close, we should celebrate our many accomplishments and recognize a few of the challenges that we have faced. First the highlights!
The recent Ontario CME, which offered both virtual and in-person sessions, was a resounding success. Our amazing speakers led discussions on clinical care, education, and planetary health with very engaged attendees who all celebrated how much fun learning and teaching can be! On behalf of the entire SOGC, I want to thank everyone who took part. Although we will not be hosting a West Central CME in 2024, we are really looking forward to our June ACSC which will be hosted by our western colleagues in Edmonton from June 11th – 14th, 2024.
We continue our advocacy work toward universal contraception coverage in Canada. Great news from Manitoba where their new government followed BC’s lead and announced intentions for universal contraception coverage in their throne speech. We continue to advocate provincially as well as federally for a national pharmacare program and have submitted a report to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health.
Our journal, The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada (JOGC), received its impact factor in June (IF = 1.8). We have subsequently seen a significant increase in the number and quality of submissions to the JOGC. Congratulations to our editor Dr. Tulandi and his team!
I would like to highlight the tremendous work of our SOGC team, which you might not be familiar with. Not only have they updated the guideline development process to be more timely and transparent, but they have also been very successful in obtaining funding for several women’s health projects focused on abortion, endometriosis, perinatal mental health and substance use in pregnancy. The Kitty Carr Fund, which supports SOGC’s objective of addressing maternal mortality, continues to grow thanks to generous donations and Mr. Paul Carr, who pledged to match donations made in 2023 up to a total of $100,000 from SOGC members! Please consider donating to the fund so we can make Canada the safest place in the world to have a baby! Last but not least, there have been frequent requests for a guideline app that would provide easy access to SOGC guidelines for our members. We are happy to say that we are working on this and hopefully will be able to launch this in 2024 – stay tuned!
Looking ahead to 2024, we know that our members are facing challenges in their practice and the effect it has on health and rates of burnout is recognized. We also recognize that health care provider demographics are changing and the work force is shifting. With that in mind, we will be surveying our members in the new year so that we can understand what you are facing, and how the SOGC can better meet your needs. Your opinions and experiences matter so please complete our survey so that we can advocate with policy makers in the future and effect meaningful change! Keep an eye out in your email for the survey!
The past year was particularly difficult as we witnessed devastating conflict related sexual violence (CRSV) – in the October 7th Hamas attacks in Israel, in the Ukraine, in Sudan, and countless other global conflicts. The victims are typically not combatants but innocent civilians, mostly women and girls. The national organizations of many countries, including the SOGC, have signed on to the Red Line Initiative, a movement to end CRSV started by Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dr Denis Mukwege and led by the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FIGO). The SOGC’s statement on CRSV was issued during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence to bring attention to this widespread problem and to highlight the Red Line Initiative.
Lastly, I would like to say that we have heard from our members over the last 2 months and acknowledge your pain, suffering, horror, and fear as world events have unfolded. I have taken your words to heart. These are extremely difficult and challenging times and now, more than ever, it is important we recognize everyone’s humanity and support one another. As a society, the SOGC will continue to focus on our mission which is to lead the advancement of women’s health through excellence and collaborative professional practice.
To all of our members: Your work is extremely valuable, your commitment to women’s health is greatly appreciated, and the SOGC thanks you for your membership. I hope that you have a chance to refresh and spend some time with friends and loved ones over the holidays. My very best wishes to all of you for the season and for health and happiness in 2024.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming events!
Dr. Amanda Black
SOGC President