December President’s Message

A word from our President, Dr. R. Douglas Wilson
I want to start by thanking you all for your commitment to the SOGC. Rest assured that the SOGC is also very committed to you, our members.
I also want to wish you and the important people in your life health and happiness during your holiday celebrations. This quote, that I have used over the years, may be timely with our shortened winter days, ‘wake up smiling, try new things, be optimistic, embrace change, be legendary, live your life with abandon, have an open mind, be fearless, this is your time’ (source unknown).
Ontario CME 2022
We welcomed many members Ontario CME, the conference was filled with remarkable topics, knowledge translation and networking.
The week had a strong start kicking off with Medical Educator Day, which brought the passion and energy of the former APOG into the SOGC family. So many great ideas for teaching were shared and we look forward to planning again in 2023.
The CME program provided important System Change QI including sessions like The Future of Canadian Surgery; The Elective Induction of Labor without Medical Indication; Dealing with Healthcare crisis -OR Waitlists; Maternal Early Obstetrical Warning Systems (MEOWS): Maternal Sepsis.
It also provided opportunities for Personal Change Obstetric QI with workshops on Obstetrics like Impacted head management, primary PPH, assisted vaginal delivery abandon or provide more training, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. We saw important Personal Change Gynecology QI workshops on Gynecology like Diagnosis and Management of Obstetrical anal Sphincter Injuries, Hysteroscopy from the OR to the Office, VTE in Gynecological Surgery, Office Gynecology for trans and gender diverse patients.
Governance Changes coming in 2023
The SOGC Board members and the various board committees are working very hard with the CEO and Leadership Team at the office to renew the SOGC focus, governance, innovative clinical and educator activities. It is important to understand that as the 14 provincial-territorial healthcare systems are struggling to provide prioritized /appropriate obstetric and gynecological care, a loud, strong National SOGC voice for People’s / Women’s Obstetrical – Gynecological Health is necessary. How do we achieve this national voice? YOU NEED THE SOGC AND THE SOGC NEEDS YOU!
I want all the interested ob/gyn members and affiliates to know and understand that the new governance process will have an opportunity for participation. The new draft governance process and policies for our society are based on competency to support the SOGC Board for Decision-making (planning / resourcing) and Monitoring (compliance / performance).
The governance revitalization and rollout time-line is demanding, but we remain hopeful for completion by June 2023. Please remember change is hard but change is required in the not-for-profit world. As the old saying goes “do not throw out the baby with the bathwater”, we want you to be around as part of the solution and what lies over the horizon for the future of the SOGC.
What is in it for you?
Being at the forefront of clinical, scientific and academic innovation is at the core of what we do. We will continue to focus on the core of our society with quality products in obstetrics and gynaecology like the JOGC, the clinical practice guidelines, opportunities to share best practices in teaching for all UME, PGME, and CME education. As we innovate, we look to you, our members for even more ideas on what comes next.
There are many great opportunities for SOGC connection at all clinical stages, one of the primary benefits of being a member
- A group of national and international network of providers committed to healthy women, healthy professionals, and excellent care
- Life-long comradery, friendship, the ability to “phone a friend” for help with a problem
- Career support through networking
- Evidenced-based guidelines and opinions
- Opportunities for learning and educating
- Leadership opportunities through working groups and committees to elevate your exposure and experience.
- Collaborative dialogue with affiliate associations and providers in maternity / gynecological care activity allowing for provincial and national team involvement in focused clinical, education, and research areas.
Please continue your support and encourage other colleagues to consider the real value of membership, this is the home for primary -subspecialty obstetrics and primary-subspecialty gynecology as we are STRONGER and MORE INFLUENTIAL TOGETHER at all levels.
The SOGC is the national voice for women’s gynecology and obstetrical care in Canada so let us make it better.
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year Dr R Douglas Wilson
Dr. R Douglas Wilson