Message from the President – December 2024

As we move into December, we will have met in Toronto for the Ontario CME. I hope that both the successful Quebec FMC and Ontario CME inspired you and recharged your passion for our specialty and women’s health. The SOGC Board of Directors spent a successful day on the strategic plan for the next 3-5 years with input from members and staff. The strategic planning provided us with the opportunity to ask tough questions about where we are today as an organization and where do we want to go? Are we meeting the needs of our members? Do we need to refocus on what our priorities are? How do we remain relevant? I am confident that the work we did will translate into a plan with a clear mission and vision that will reflect what our members want and need from the SOGC.
As we move forward, be assured that our members are top of mind as we develop the new strategic plan. We have heard about the issues that our members face in their day-to-day work: burnout, long working hours, lack of fair and equitable remuneration, lack of resources to deliver care along with much more. We have also heard that members want value for their membership. We will work as a board and an organization to provide value and a feeling of belonging.
One of the most important things we do as an organization is advocate for the sexual and reproductive rights of women, girls, teens and others. I have met with Members of Parliament, conducted interviews, and provided statements, advocating for reproductive and sexual health access and rights. If we look around the world, there is an ongoing erosion of sexual and reproductive rights and access to care for women and members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. This is likely to worsen with the current political landscape. We cannot become complacent in Canada; we need to continue to be a voice for women, teens, girls, and other marginalized groups.
Our clinical practice guidelines are an example of where we stand out as an organization. I understand that many want free access to these guidelines and many feel that there should be open access. Simply put; to produce a guideline is expensive and the SOGC needs to recoup cost through membership and access fees. As a non-profit organization, we depend on this revenue to be sustainable. I have heard from our sister organizations that the SOGC guidelines are highly regarded and accessed; we will continue to review, update, and develop guidelines that meet the needs of our members.
A reminder that there will be a dedicated JOGC journal that is scheduled for publication in June, 2025. Authors are invited to submit original research, review articles, case studies, and personal narratives for a special issue dedicated to the topic of perinatal, intrapartum, and early neonatal loss. This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted experiences, challenges, and implications surrounding pregnancy loss across the spectrum. Deadline for submission is now January 31, 2025.
Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone Happy Holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or some other holiday, I hope you all have time to enjoy time with family and friends. I also hope the coming year brings peace and happiness.
As always, I look forward to feedback, thoughts and suggestions and I can be reached at
Dr. Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck
SOGC President