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November Word from our CEO

4 Nov, 2022
Dr. Francoeur – SOGC CEO

A word from our CEO, Dr. Diane Francoeur

It was a great pleasure to welcome a hundred of our members in Mont-Tremblant for CME Québec. What a joy to see them in person, because virtual training never replaces the quality of learning “in real life”. Thank you to our partners for making this event a reality, especially the platinum and gold sponsors: Organon and BioSyent.

Following your feedback last year, the program committee has worked very hard to prepare hands-on continuing education days in Tremblant, followed by Toronto in December and Banff in March. On behalf of the SOGC, I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the program committee for recruiting wonderful speakers. See what you missed in this one-minute video: HERE

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