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From the President’s desk

4 Nov, 2022
Dr. Douglas Wilson
Dr. R Douglas Wilson – SOGC President

A word from our President, Dr. R. Douglas Wilson

Fall is nearly over; things went so fast since the end of summer! The SOGC worked continuously on important issues to women’s obstetrical and gynecological care.

  1. The USA Supreme Court decision on June 24, 2022 of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overturning Roe v. Wade national right to abortion. SOGC has been active with an JOGC Editorial commenting on abortion access; SOGC podcast was recorded; consultation and advocacy with CMPA have occurred and will continue.

Five points from the CMPA process should be considered by Canadian providers of maternity care either directly or indirectly:

  • The activity in the USA is complex and rapidly changing with state-based decisions either pro or con on abortion access; the USA based Center for Reproductive Rights can be a possible source for changing status in the abortion section.
  • Discuss concerns and guidance with CMPA if non-Canadian residents present to you for abortion related care / CMPA will create urgent advice opportunity for comment within 2 hours of the call.
  • The CMPA consent for non-Canadian is important for evidence if a claim is brought forward from USA sources.
  • The stability of the patient is mandatory to document as non-urgent / elective should be considered for returning to the USA for care in a state with abortion access but urgent or emergent is required, call the CMPA for urgent guidance.
  • The volume of USA abortion care that may be anticipated is difficult to predict but important for all SOGC members and affiliates involved in maternity or emergency gynecology care have a discuss and plan for their potential areas of clinical contact.

What is happening in Governance?

We have also been very busy since the bylaw changes that occurred during the Annual General Meeting.

The process for the SOGC Governance revision and the SOGC Guideline Management Oversight Committee continued under the leadership of the SOGC Board Governance and GMOC Committee’s with meetings in September and October to make recommendations to the Board of Directors at their virtual meeting during October.

We are looking critically at all of the policies and process that support the good governance of our organization, moving towards skills-based composition using a transparent process. This will include representatives from with the experience and expertise to inform where we want to go in the future as a society.

What are the present SOGC Board priority activities?

  • SOGC Governance revision
  • SOGC Strategic Plan focused activities
  • Guideline Management Oversight Committee enhancement
  • Reconsideration of Annual and Regional Meeting format and value
  • Financial and Administrative collaborative opportunity

We would like to thank all of the Board members whose terms ended after the annual conference for their dedication and service: Dr’s Haim Abenhaim, Roxana Geoffrion, Elio Dario Garcia, Edith Guilbert, and Graeme Smith. In the New Year, we will be recruiting for both our board and clinical committees, so look out for our messages.

What does an SOGC Membership do for you?

Opportunities for connection

  • A group of national and international network of providers committed to ‘healthy women, healthy professionals, and excellent care’.
  • Life-long comradery, friendship, the ability to ‘phone a friend’ for help with a problem.
  • SOGC supports diversity, equity, and inclusivity in all its activity

Career support:

  • Evidenced-based guidelines and opinions in obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Opportunities for learning and educating in obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Leadership opportunities through working groups and committees to elevate exposure and experience.
  • Collaborative dialogue with affiliate associations and providers in maternity / gynecological care activity allowing for provincial and national team involvement in focused clinical, education, and research areas. 

Upcoming learning opportunities

We are in full swing for in person regional conferences again with the first that took place in October at Mont Tremblant. We handed many hands-on opportunities for the attendees who attended. We will be meeting again in December, this time for the Ontario Regional conference in Toronto. These networking and educational activities are important SOGC activities for members, affiliates, and non-members involved in maternity and gynecological care. We are always exploring new ways to offer learning opportunities; we hope to see you at one.

SOGC advocacy and collaboration in women’s health activity continue as a valuable resource for the SOGC membership as health care quality, access, and improvement continues as a national media topic for health care policy and management change. 

Dr. R.D. Wilson / Doug