On the CEO’s Side – November 2024

It’s difficult to believe that fall will soon be over when we have such beautiful weather. That said, the Quebec City FMC was a great success, with rooms filled starting at 8:30 a.m. and increasingly challenging questions from our 200-plus attendees. We love it! The bubbles were definitely getting conversations flowing, as our speakers stayed throughout the conference to answer questions – overall, a very successful conference. It is always a pleasure for us to meet francophones from other provinces at this event; thank you for your participation.

I recently represented the SOGC at the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (RCOG) congress in Oman. Our alliance with the RCOG is well established. What a pleasure it was to meet three new vice-presidents of the RCOG with the same introduction: we love your guidelines! They are definitely our trademark. Their attachment to the parent organization is very strong, even for the sub-specialists. We are in the process of evaluating their business model and drawing inspiration from it.

We have introduced a section on the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) in our newsletter, as we are working closely with the program committee. Be advised, there is a new deadline to submit your projects for FIGO Cape Town. I invite residents to review the webinar we did with the World Association of Trainees in Obstetrics & Gynaecology (WATOG). Send in your research projects, your surgical videos and your simulation workshops – we are told there will still be several scholarships available for residents. If you are surprised that we are talking so much about FIGO, it is because President-Elect Dr. Nick Leyland and I met with FIGO representatives in Montreal this week and presented possible venues for the FIGO World Congress 2027 in Montreal, Canada. The proposal is progressing extremely well. We will keep you updated; the decision will be made soon!

Finally, we will be sending you a separate communication with all the available positions in our working groups, clinical committees and board committees. We can’t be as strong without your involvement and your voices. Keep an eye out and come join us. The meetings are much more effective, better organized, relevant and less frequent. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. The SOGC is US! And I can confirm that we shine just as brightly as many large organizations.

Dr. Diane Francoeur
Chief Executive Officer