Power to Choose Program

by Catherine Savoie
Last month marked the official launch of the Power to Choose Program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The SOGC participated as a technical partner, as we will be sharing the expertise of our members through our Global Women’s Health Program.
Funded by Global Affairs Canada and led by Oxfam Quebec, the Power to Choose program aims to strengthen the sexual and reproductive health rights of the most vulnerable people in 7 countries around the world.
This program is based on three pillars in order to
- Empower young women and adolescent girls
- Improve access to and quality of sexual and reproductive health services
- Sensitize communities and governments to overcome taboos.
Thousands of young women and adolescent girls living in vulnerable and marginalized conditions will benefit from this initiative.
As part of the Power to Choose program, the SOGC will be active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in Ghana, by sharing its technical expertise in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project.
The SOGC will engage its members throughout the project – remotely, and/or in-country (Ghana – DRC).
Working closely with the national associations of obstetricians and gynecologists in Ghana (SOGOG) and the DRC (SCOGO), the SOGC will help improve the delivery of gender-sensitive, inclusive, and accountable health services by health care providers for diverse groups of women, adolescents, and children.
Main activities include;
- Training in emergency obstetric and neonatal care (EmONC), including obstetrical consequences of violence (gender-based violence) and training in family planning – a sexual rights approach – for national trainers (ToTs), health workers and administrators.
- Training of clinical mentors to support changes in health practices and harmful social norms.
- Supporting national ob/gyn societies in Ghana and DRC to build their technical and organizational capacity.
If you would like to volunteer to contribute to this project (SOGC members) or to learn more, contact Catherine Savoie, Global Health Project Manager csavoie@sogc.com