On the CEO’s side – March 2024

I love the month of March, I love spring fever!
The SOGC has been on fire for the past few weeks. With the team, we have resumed a frenetic pace of educational events with our various partners. We try to stay as close as possible to current events and provide you with all the information you will need to answer your patients’ questions. Social media brings its share of worries and misinformation, and we must know what’s going on to help them make the best choices. Don’t hesitate to let us know your needs and to fill out event evaluations; it’s the only way for us to improve ourselves.
Many of you responded to our call for nominations for our Board of Directors, Board Committees, Clinical Committees and Regional Achievement Awards – I am proud to see you so engaged! We will send you an acknowledgment of receipt in the next week. We are improving our processes, but there is still much to be done. The Nominating, Awards and Talent Acquisition Committee will make its recommendations to the Board of Directors in April, and we will share them with you at the AGM. As well, thehe scientific and professional education leadership will do the same.
Speaking of spring fever, I am very pleased to share with you that we have received excellent positive feedback following the announcement of free access for all Canadian women to all contraceptive methods. What a great collaboration with our partners! Congratulations again to our representatives, proud members of the SOGC: Dr. Amanda Black, our president; Dr. Wendy Norman, our ambassador with all the expertise of British Columbia; and Dr. Rupinder Toor, who has dedicated her career to women and their contraceptive needs.
March is indeed a very busy month for the SOGC! Stay tuned for the launch of all our educational projects that we have developed with our partners from CART (Contraception and Abortion Research Team) and our collaboration agreement with Health Canada. Our deadline for this work is March 31 2024. This work will assist women and healthcare professionals in the tools to inform themselves, understand what is happening to them and make better decisions in areas related to contraception, abortion, endometriosis and the impact of trauma on women’s health. Several educational activities will be planned throughout the year and know that all this great material is available on our website for our members. We will do our best to organize it into frontline, second-line and user groups categories to help you find what you need easily and share it. The whole team is here to serve you, and Johanna (membership@sogc.com) can help you navigate the website to find our treasures. 😉
Information is power!
Dr. Diane Francoeur
CEO of the SOGC