On the Road to Edmonton! – June 2024

As our academic year draws to a close, we are preparing for our last Board of Directors Meeting of the year on June 10th, our Annual SOGC Report for the AGM on June 11th, and the first meeting of our new Board of Directors on June 13th. All this without forgetting our Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference—my favorite week of the year! The pride of leading this small yet highly effective and internationally recognized organization is my main motivation. A lot of work has been accomplished, but most importantly, it is a pleasure to meet with you – dear members- to discuss your needs, comments and suggestions, all with the aim of serving you better.
The practice of obstetrics and gynecology is evolving. Women’s needs are not being met due to interminable waiting lists, and we all need to learn to work more efficiently to achieve more with less. We will have the chance to discuss this with our international colleagues, as we share the same challenges: burnout, waiting times, increasing maternal morbidity and mortality…
Are we equipped to navigate this destabilizing wave and maintain our passion for the profession while passing it on to our young students? I am personally convinced that we are, and we are currently reviewing the objectives of our academic council. The collaboration of our committed members is exceptional, and this is what we must rely on and rally around. Moreover, our fantastic simulation colleagues are eagerly looking forward to introducing you to our two new pre-conference courses: Assisted Vaginal Birth Masterclass on Saturday, June 8th, and Enhanced Obstetrical Skills Hands-on on Sunday, June 9th. The conference is truly a time to ‘chat,’ share our difficult moments, realize that we made it through, and take care of each other.
Couldn’t free up your schedule? No problem, you can follow us live via Zoom or watch later. We also offer a panoply of exceptional courses on our website. The educational content available is worth a look, as these courses are suggested by our peers and implemented by our experts. They cater to your unperceived needs.
We will start working on our new strategic planning in the fall, which is a great opportunity for each of you to leave your mark by presenting your vision. A huge thank you to our small team responsible for all these successes. I would like to quote the Honorable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth of Canada: “your mighty little team”—not bad at all 😉
I leave you with this song that sums up my activities well. This unruly young woman from New Brunswick, who sings in Chiac is very funny and contemporary… I’m busy!
See you in Edmonton!
Dr. Diane Francoeur
CEO of the SOGC