The May Sprint – May 2024

Are you familiar with our Continuing Professional Education products? GESTA; Advanced Obstetrics; Sphincter Repair; Forceps and Vacuum; Online Courses; CCSA; Regional Training, Forums, Summits, Webinars – it can sometimes be difficult to navigate! We have revamped our service offerings since the pandemic and are constantly adjusting based on your feedback. The foundation of all these activities remains the same: staying as up-to-date as possible with the latest news or scientific recommendations. Are you familiar with the OCR (Obstetrical Review Committee) which is comprised of an extremely proficient group of experts who annually evaluate all scientific publications impacting our clinical recommendations for the GESTA Course?
Here are the members of the OCR committee!
Dr. Nagu Atmuri
Dr. Christine Bloch
Dr. Sharon Dore
Dr. Wesley Edwards
Dr. Brian Geller
Dr. Robert Gratton
Dr. Andrew Kotaska
Andrea Mills
Dr. Sophie Palmer
Dr. Gerry Prince
Lauren Rivard
Dr. Genevieve St-Gelais
Dr. Josée Tardif
Dr. Megan Williams
Dr. Madeleine Ziss
Don’t hesitate to congratulate and thank them. They work very hard behind the scenes for all of us!
Help us clarify your education needs and serve you better by completing the brief survey below.
Since the pandemic, everything is moving quickly; it’s difficult for healthcare professionals to stay abreast of the latest recommendations. This is why we are vigilant and strive to offer you all these tools to prevent you from being caught off guard when faced with a patient who has prepared her visit with ChatGPT, which is far more up to date than Dr. Google!
Then there are social media and influencers! Our small communications team keeps watch to allow us to react to trends in terms of misinformation. Following the anti-vaccine and anti-hormone therapy movements, the latest trend is the rejection of hormonal contraception with the recognition of an “Ogino” method. We have asked our superb sexual and reproductive health committee to evaluate the effectiveness of this method with our usual scientific rigor. We will send you their assessment shortly.
We are preparing for the ACSC: a great high-level program and social activities that will allow you to recharge your batteries. Following several concerns and questions about the new recommendations to discontinue anti-D vaccination for medical abortions and following the publication of the new Prevention of Rh Alloimmunization (No. 448) guideline last April, we have planned a debate that will undoubtedly be lively with our experts in MFM vs. experts in contraception.
We can’t wait to see you; come inspire us!
Dr. Diane Francoeur
CEO of the SOGC