Word from Dr. Amanda Black – September 2023

I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and took some time to refresh and connect with family and friends. The SOGC offices have been very busy over the summer and in this newsletter, we highlight some of our latest projects and programs.
During my year as President, I have chosen Universal Contraception as my platform. Access to comprehensive contraceptive care and contraceptive methods is an integral component of women’s health care. The benefits of contraception are widely recognized and include among other things improved health and well-being, reduced global maternal morbidity and mortality, health benefits of pregnancy spacing for maternal and child health, female engagement in the work force, and economic self-sufficiency for women.
The SOGC is committed to encouraging and upholding policies and actions in Canada that ensure the availability of affordable and accessible contraceptive care and contraceptive methods, and we continue to work on optimizing this nationally with the following principles in mind:
- The WHO and the United Nations state that access to safe and affordable contraception is a human right. As such, we should ensure that all Canadians have access to contraceptive care and a range of contraceptive methods
- Reproductive care, including contraception services, should be delivered in a way that ensures fully informed decision- making, respects dignity, autonomy, privacy, and confidentiality, and is sensitive to individuals’ needs and perspectives.
- All individuals have the right to choose the method of contraception that is most suitable for them. Similarly, they have the right to not use a method of contraception if that is their choice.
- Unintended pregnancy is common and can affect individuals from all walks of life but disproportionately affects vulnerable populations and certain sociodemographic groups.
- A policy of a federally funded Universal Contraception Program is a matter of equity and would eliminate financial considerations as a barrier when choosing and utilizing a method of contraception.
There has been a strong show of support from the public and our members for Universal Contraception Coverage and we continue to work with our partners across the country towards achieving this objective.
You can help by clicking on this link and contacting your MP
I look forward to continuing this work with the SOGC over the upcoming year as well as the numerous other projects that the SOGC is engaged in. I encourage all our members to look at opportunities to become more involved in our SOGC programs and committees and of course hope to meet many of you at our upcoming CME Events.
Wishing you all a wonderful fall.